Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ugly or Not?

Recently I had a discussion with my friend Silk. I honestly can't remember how the "disagreement" started but here is the summary. He was talking about a girl, I said "she is ugly". He replied with " well, she is hot to someone". I disagree. I tried to explain to this guy, that she is still ugly and everyone in the world could think she is ugly, even another ugly person. He comes back with " well she might have a man, he thinks she is hot". No, she is still ugly, its just that he is prolly just as busted as her ass!

My thing is just because they both come to the realization that they are ugly and no one else will take their ugly asses. DOESNT make them good looking to each other. I believe this! I tried to explain that is why we have phrases like "butterface", and bullsh*t statements like " Yo, I just saw this chick, her face was BUSTED but her body was bangin". THAT CHICK IS STILL UGLY. Just because we have made everyone of our buddies at the table aware that our standards are as low as theirs doesnt make her hot! The fact that we are men and we REALLY only need like one attractive thing on a woman's body, to make her attractive ENOUGH to make a comment like. . . ." Yea, her face is busted dude, but she does have some big ass t*tties, I'd still bang'r"!Doesn't Make her hot!

I mean come on! How many times have you been out to eat, looked over at that table in the corner, saw two busted ass people that don't talk or look at each other while they eat? wonder why? They are both sitting their pissed off that they are with the other person and in the back of their minds are like " I hate His/Her ugly ass".

Not sayin, im a super model. Hell, I have been called ugly myself. I am just stating that I completely disagree with the statement "Their hot to someone"! F**K NO, NOT TRUE!

Friday, October 16, 2009

My 28th. . .

So here I am blogging, thought I would try something new for my birthday. Honestly I am only doing this because I told my boy RC I was going to do it and F**k I cant go back now! I honestly thought it would be sooooo much easier to write this but i really dont know what to say?

Ok, I will write about this. Its my birthday today and I have heard from at least 5 people that dont talk to me 364 days a year. I understand its to say hi and wish a happy birthday, but dont act like we are going to hang out and sh*t. I hate this line " Hit me up we should hang out", NO! You dont want to hang, its just what you say to people when you interact. NOT ME! I will see someone I haven't seen in a while, say hi. Then there is that weird ass silence between us. . but only weird on their end because I said what I had to say, which was hi, they are the dumb asses just standing there looking at me. Then its the "O I think someone just called my name" look away, Sh*t I didn't hear anything but your excused!

Then again, I often use that "O I think someone just called my name" catch ya later thingy. I think its completely different though, because I am the one that walked away. I mean is it wrong that I can spot a dead end conversation before it even starts? Well if it is, F you I dont care, I think your just jealous that you can't spot the dead end conversation! I'm just playing.

Man, this blog thing could get someone in trouble, everyone is going to know how my brain works!