Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sucker Punch!

All men want their female to have a bit of toughness to them, not like Chyna from wrestling, but just to know she can hold her own. There are simple little test we give them as men to check it out. Usually they are dumb little things we do like play fight and stuff like that. I am about to tell you a story of how not to do it. Trust me it will save you someday.

Some years back I lived with an ex of mine, I am a joke around type of guy so I would do all kinds of practical jokes on her. It was no big deal in our house. So one night I go out with my boys, I have a more than a few adult beverages. As the night winds down, it is time for me to return to my apartment. On the way home I have to stop by CVS to pick up smokes. While in the store I see that they still have some halloween mask left over. One of them is a huge tennis ball with a shitty grin. I make up my mind that it would be great to wake my girl out of a sound sleep at 1 a.m. with this mask on my head. I get in the car and I am pumped. She always slept with the dog, and they usually both woke up when I walked in the door.

So I come in and put my stuff away. Then put on my mask....GAME TIME! I decide(like an idiot)to stand outside the bedroom door and wait for her to walk out lookin for me. After standing outside the door for a few minutes, I hear them wrestling around and then I hear her get up out of bed. AHHHH snap this is about to be classic( it was but for all the wrong reasons). She opened the door, I yell AHHHHHHHH... This chick cocks her right hand back like Mike Tyson, and Whabam(while holding the 13 lbs dog in her other hand)...she one pieced me with a overhand right, square in the nose. I drop like a sack of potatoes. Im rolling on the ground, holding my nose, yelling.... "B#*@$, I think you broke my nose"... she says "that's what you get for trying to scare me" shuts the door and goes back to bed.

Take it from me, stick to the play fighting to test for toughness. Nothing is cool about get dropped by your girl holding a purse accessory, at 1 a.m.!

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